Sunday, November 7, 2010

Questions for President Obama...

       How do you come up with the decision of fighting or not fighting a country, what do you take into consideration when deciding what is best for America? Would be the first serious question I would ask our president if I ever got the chance.

       I'd ask him that question because I have always wondered how presidents or people in very high positions tackle on such high responsibilities and very important decisions. I imagine it must be extremely hard and stressful knowing it could change the whole word if you make a wrong decision that could take possibly years to fix. Being president takes such great pressure and commitment, who else helps them in making the decisions and especially the very important life changing ones?

       If I were president of the United States I would have people help out the less fortunate more because I care about them. I would try to make the United States a more peaceful place than it already is, by passing new laws, improving the school curriculum, making higher requirements for students in college to make them motivated to achieve higher goals than they normally would. I would make it a better place not only for the lower class citizens but for the ones who are wealthier and pay taxes. I'd make changes to our government, the health care, inssurance. I would change everything for the better.

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