Sunday, January 30, 2011

One Day..

          When I'm a parent in the future I will parent my children in similar in different ways then I am being raised.  For instance I would set a bedtime for my kids. Put them on a schedule while as my parents do not. I will also be more strict towards them. Also not give them fast food that much.

           I will raise my children the same way as my parents like bringing them to church. Also having them do chores and help around the house, study for school, if you do something major to recieve both good and bad consequences. I would like to also have them be involved in sports and after school activities and visit friends but only if their grades are acceptable.

Monday, January 10, 2011


        The year 2010 has been good and bad for the world, as well for myself. Last year we all tackled on problems ; one of the biggest, was the major earthquake in Haiti. As the result of the earthquake the Haitians experienced severe problems, such as, having no shelter, food, and dealing with the death of their loved ones. They all went through so much that the all around the world people held campaigns and organizations fundraising money, to donate to the people of Haiti. With the money received from organizations they have repaired and built many more buildings. The country is still not exactly the same but it is making progress

        The oil spill was another big problem suffered during the year 2010.  It caused harm to many animals having many die. It also affected people that make a living from fishing causing them to not be able to fish. Ecologists have been warning about drilling in the golf where such a disaster could happen but they decided to do so. In the result it affect our economy.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Video Games & Our Children

  The Supreme Court is courrently discussing whether or not to sell violent video games to teenagers.    

 I think they should be allowed to sell violent games to teenagers. They need to limit how violent. Teenagers are into that and they could sell a video game that deals with fighting but have it be appropriate.

       To make a game unsuitable for people under 18 it would have to have very graphic, and visual pictures. The sound effects to sound as if people were actually dying and being shot in real life. Also have be that it looks so disgusting you can hardly sit there watching it.

       I would draw the line by limiting how much video games are being played so they don't get attached. I would enforce parents to read the warning and not let their children play rated M, and T games if they're underage. In stores they could make sure that the people buying the games are of age.

     I think violent games don't affect young people in a very good way because it exposes them to what's out there. It also makes them more violent especially kids under the age of 12. It doesn't hurt them too much but playing violent games does not give them a huge benefit.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Questions for President Obama...

       How do you come up with the decision of fighting or not fighting a country, what do you take into consideration when deciding what is best for America? Would be the first serious question I would ask our president if I ever got the chance.

       I'd ask him that question because I have always wondered how presidents or people in very high positions tackle on such high responsibilities and very important decisions. I imagine it must be extremely hard and stressful knowing it could change the whole word if you make a wrong decision that could take possibly years to fix. Being president takes such great pressure and commitment, who else helps them in making the decisions and especially the very important life changing ones?

       If I were president of the United States I would have people help out the less fortunate more because I care about them. I would try to make the United States a more peaceful place than it already is, by passing new laws, improving the school curriculum, making higher requirements for students in college to make them motivated to achieve higher goals than they normally would. I would make it a better place not only for the lower class citizens but for the ones who are wealthier and pay taxes. I'd make changes to our government, the health care, inssurance. I would change everything for the better.

Monday, October 11, 2010


                       I think cyberbullying should be handled seriously because their could be situations which are causing teenagers to bully other teenagers. People may not know why they're doing it but most of the time they are dealing with their own problems. A therapist should maybe talk the bully and the kid being bullied. There should also be consequences no matter what the person is going through that could be dealt with the police.

                       I do believe the bully is most to blame. It doesn't matter what is happening at your home. You should not bully someone to make yourself feel better whatever the situation may be. The bully should bear for full responsiblility. I don't think it should be any different depending on what the person who was bullied reacted; if they reacted in severe terms or not too bad. Regardless of how far you went with bullying them you still did it.

                        The consequences should be severe because you affected someone's life in a negative way intentionally. A person is a person what they look like, act like, their religion, or race shouldn't determine the way they are treated. You should face consequences with your school and police. You should be suspended and dealt with charges.

                         I think cyberbullying could be prevented in many ways. The first one is talking to your child because majority of the reasin kids are mean to others is because they're not happy at their houses. Also teachers should talk to their students at school. Another great way is to show some of the results caused by cyberbullying such as hurting yourself, hurting other people, and suicide. This could definitely help teenagers now days.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Unsanitary Water: Africa

Everyone needs clean water to drink; we're very fortunate here in the United States to have access to clean water. Even the homeless have access to clean drinking water they can go to a public water fountain. In Africa unsanitary water is one of the top problems they are facing. Dirty water kills 4000 children a day.  Many people in the communities are dying because so many terrible diseases are living in the water.

                                     To help the situation an organization called The Water Project gave them wells. The three wells were recently built in Kakamega, Kenya.  The North Way Christian Kidz GIG raised over $9000.  It was a church in Pennsylvania they raised the money during camp. Missionary trips help in donating water to the people of Africa and also many organizations donate money for them to buy wells.

                                     A way to help Africa would be to raise money to donate not only wells but other necessities. Things that  we all use everyday that we don't even think about. You could hold a fundraiser at a school and the person to donate the highest amount of money gets a prize. Also volunteering and raising awareness because some people would like to and are able to donate but don't quite think about it. Their are many ways to help that would be easy for us that we just don't think about.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Album Review: I Am..... Sasha Fierce

Artist: Beyonce
Year: 2008
1. If I Were A Boy
2. Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it)
3. Diva
4. Halo
5. Ego
6. Sweet Dreams
7. Broken-Hearted Girl
8. Video Phone
9. Why Don't You Love Me

          The I Am.... Sasha Fierce Album is an amaizing album. This is Beyonce's third solo album so far. Her albums get better the more she does. Beyonce has a whole range of types of songs from R&B to pop. She has an incredible voice. There are definitely party songs.

          The album is basically like a two in one CD. The "I Am" section consists of middle tempo to slow songs discussing Beyonce and her feelings. The "Sasha Fierce" section is more upbeat, and has a pop, party side to it. Sasha Fierce is supposed to be the name of Beyonce's alter ego. That's why the two sections are completely opposite.

          I guarantee that you will enjoy this album. You could play these songs at a party, everyone would love it. If your style is more R&B who knows you may enjoy the pop side. It's an amazing purchase because you're getting two entirely different styles in ONE CD.  It's awesome! Go buy it today.